Monday, August 13, 2007

The thin line

This post is more of an early morning rant of a disgruntled sleeper.

Of late, in a bid to save electricity and do my little bit of ecological preservation, I've been sleeping without the air conditioning. Thankfully the monsoon season has brought us relatively cool nights, so by the time I hit the sack, temperatures aren't too bad and it cools down further as the night stretches on.

However, with the monsoon comes the damned mosquitoes. *rage* It was hell trying to sleep, and now I'm cranky. The situation is not without solution though.

1) Slather myself in Mopiko before bed; probably Malaysia's most popular mozzy cream. (with the possibility of rubbing it in my eye without realizing. *nyaaarrrhhh*

2) Turn on the air conditioning, which I did last night.

However, last night's sleep is lost. Sigh. *continues rage*

1 comment:

The Dood said...

i cannot agree more