Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Lost words

I was crossing the road earlier when I saw a car that made a 'blunder'. He was basically on a traffic light but he didn't need to be there as there was a natural turning lane for him to take. Seeing him take the turn made me go 'opocok', which brings me to my topic today of words that you haven't used in AGES.

'Opocok' (I don't know if anyone knows this) simply means 'oops'. It's more elaborate and sounds a little funnier. Unfortunately, I can't really remember the origins of the word or where/whom I learned it from. The only thing I know is that I've not used it in ages and till a few hours ago, totally forgot its existence!

Thinking about it, there are a few more words (mostly cusses haha) that I've not used in awhile. Try and remember if there are any weird words that you knew, but have stopped using! Whee!

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