Sunday, August 26, 2007

Delayed dreaming

From what I know, some people remember their dreams vividly. Others clear their dream cache as soon as they wake up. Only the more vivid ones are remembered. I tend to remember most of my dreams and what I'm curious about is the sometimes seemingly random insertion of people.

To me, it's normal to have entirely weird dream settings like spacecrafts, Vietnamese rice fields, and/or medieval castles. Got to have an imagination eh? =) However, what intrigues me is the appearance of people in dreams. Specifically, people that you might have met once a long time ago, or individuals whom you've never thought about (consciously) in ages.

My dream yesterday had a person whom I saw once. A cute receptionist at an event I attended. I didn't pick up any guts to chat her up then, but I never thought of her since that night. Lo and behold, she pops up in my dream yesterday! (I won't go into details, but it was 'fun') Lust? Random selection? What does this mean?????



Bry™ said...

was it tht cutie from the KLue urban picnic? ;)

Hugin said...

hahaha! spot on mate!

Rose said...

u didn't have to go into detail about ur dream for the world to be able to guess what u dreamt about, haha. do your dreams come true? 80% of mine come true. Sometimes i think i'm psychic.

Hugin said...

well, like i said, it usually involves weird shit. i haven't been to vietnam. nor have i entered a spacecraft. buggah.

if you're so psychic, how come you didn't realize the job dudes left you in 'inactive' status? ;)