My meme?..
What were you doing 10 years ago?1997.. It was the year I read LOTR! haha. Great times in high school when you really didn't give a damn about anything other than girls and video games. Let's see.. what's changed.. hmm. ;)
What were you doing 1 year ago?2006 was a stasis year for me. Read alot. Thought alot. Glad to say, learnt alot.
Five snacks you enjoy
Snicker bars, Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk, Peanut butter and banana sandwiches (with honey), Walkers crisps (though you can't really get them here), Cadbury Nuts and Raisins bar.
Five songs that you know all the lyrics toDookie, Move Along, God Shuffled His Feet, You Could Be Happy, Crazy
Five things you would do if you were a millionaireGet a nice pad, spruce it up, buy a few new kennels for Paws, get mom a new car, invest the rest.
Five bad habitsSlouching at the desk (Doupe), murmuring in a conversation, lazy laundry guy, (hey i'm not gonna tell you everything!)
Five things you like doingMovies, music, books, my Xbox 360, climbing/sports
Five things you would never wear againDon't have that many clothes!
Five favourite toysMy N95, Xbox 360, counts?, a stressball, my toaster oven (it rocks baby)