Monday, September 17, 2007

Smile damnit!

Sony has just launched this new model called the T200. The interesting thing is that it has a new tech feature built in called the 'smile shutter' or something like that. Essentially, it auto-snaps the photo as soon as it detects your subjects smiling.

'Huh' you say? Ditto.

Sony's making a few assumptions with this one:

1) You're a dumbass that can't snap photos quick enough if your friends are smiling.
2) No one loves you enough to smile for a shot.
3) Your friends are possibly clinically depressed.

Now I don't know how the tech really works, but try and imagine the situation:

a) One friend smiles first before the other's got his finger out from his nose *click*
b) You're taking photos at a party and people are smiling/laughing/moving around *clicketyclicketyclick*


Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

lol, that is somewhat kinda cool. Great for the would be and present cam whores out there. But only 5mp??come on.....and Linora's land hahaha liking that.

Hugin said...

hehe. i wouldn't buy that camera though. ever since checking out the Canon Ixus', i'm a convert. =D