Monday, September 3, 2007

R.I.P rodent

I witnessed a depressing sight on the way to work today. On the Federal Highway where it was about a good 6 lanes of cars moving (at high speed) one poor rodent decided to dance with death.
It lost.

I saw it scamper across as fast as it could from the right side of the road. That little bugger was pretty good; he made it past 3 lanes. Unfortunately, it got hit somewhere on the 4th. Strangely enough, it wasn't 'run over' like you'd expect after such an encounter. After the death car passed, it was thrown to the side... and lay there motionless.. past the 4th lane.

What possessed it to attempt that crossing? It looked large enough to be an adult, so I'd assume it'd have developed some sense of awareness about the dangers of fast moving large objects.
It must have been 'some' cheese.

Oh well. R.I.P little dude. Better luck next life.

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