Friday, September 14, 2007


We all know that the advent of the internet/instant messaging/chatrooms have spawned a slew of words or abbreviations that you otherwise wouldn't have used. I just read about a great one from Seth Godin's blog, which is used in conversations with active bloggers/self publishers.

It's NYFB - Not for your blog; when the topic is sensitive and you don't want the world to know about it. How awesome is that?

Another interesting one I've read is POTS, which is used mainly by teens with nosy parents. Parents Over The Shoulder seems awful long to type, even when you're a teen that types at the speed of a chipmunk with severe caffeine overdose.

Any weird ones to add to this list?


Rose said...

what does LMAO stand for?

Hugin said...

As testament to my geekdom; it means laughing my ass off.
