Sunday, February 17, 2008

Our natural state

For the first time ever, I was in a cinema watching a movie all by myself. I mean ALONE alone. For some strange reason, no one bought a single ticket to todays 'Dan In Real Life' at 12.20pm. It was a great experience.

15 minutes into the show, I realized that there wasn't anyone else about to come in, my mind started going wild. I felt like doing stupid things like standing up and watching the movie, run around the isles, jump from seat to seat, sit upside down even. (I did a few of these, but I won't mention which)

After that, I wondered if this was our natural state? Absolute ape-shit silliness. I probably wouldn't have even thought of those those things if there was another person in there, but being totally unsupervised, it's scary what your mind can come up in in a cinema... imagine if you were in an amusement park! or say... a candy store!

I guess it goes to show how much of a Superego we have (thanks Freud). If we all behaved in our natural state all the time, I think there wouldn't be a cinema for us to go ape-shit in. Now that would be a bummer.

ps. The movie was great. Steve Carell is the man. He's funny even when he's not trying.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i can't believe i logged on in the middle of the night just to google a quote i read once in reader's digest many many moons ago, it sort of stuck with me all these years and popped back out of my head on the way back to bed...mike myers once said that "silliness is us in our natural state." i couldn't agree with him more. well, anyhow, that's how i stumbled upon your random blog. pretty funny. cheers.