Saturday, March 8, 2008

Beautiful people

My definition for beautiful people here will be 'people that exhibit physical qualities that are above average and are desirable to the majority of the specific society'. What a mouthful, but with a word like 'beauty', it's best to get everyone on the same page. =)

Now civilization has been around for a long time and in each age and/or culture, there are always those identified as 'beautiful'. I shall conveniently blame Westernization for the onset of increased pressure for people to become 'beautiful'. This practice has obviously spread eastward, as the rest of the developing world joins in this massive beauty pageant.

So we have:
1) The pressures and standards of beauty increasing
2) The near-instantaneous communication of it, across multiple society's
3) The increased production and availability of products that 'make you beautiful'

Which leads me to my million ringgit question (about USD 310k now haha).

Are there more beautiful people in the world today?
If a bunch of cavemen thought 20% of their cave-dwellers were beautiful, would we coke-light-sipping first-worlders find more than that amount to be qualified as beautiful?

I'm tempted to say no, simply because standards have gone increasingly higher, but we aren't exactly X-men'ing our evolution into beauty. However, thank the many advances of science for cosmetics, Botox, collagen, and boob jobs.

So what do you think?

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