Sunday, February 17, 2008

Our natural state

For the first time ever, I was in a cinema watching a movie all by myself. I mean ALONE alone. For some strange reason, no one bought a single ticket to todays 'Dan In Real Life' at 12.20pm. It was a great experience.

15 minutes into the show, I realized that there wasn't anyone else about to come in, my mind started going wild. I felt like doing stupid things like standing up and watching the movie, run around the isles, jump from seat to seat, sit upside down even. (I did a few of these, but I won't mention which)

After that, I wondered if this was our natural state? Absolute ape-shit silliness. I probably wouldn't have even thought of those those things if there was another person in there, but being totally unsupervised, it's scary what your mind can come up in in a cinema... imagine if you were in an amusement park! or say... a candy store!

I guess it goes to show how much of a Superego we have (thanks Freud). If we all behaved in our natural state all the time, I think there wouldn't be a cinema for us to go ape-shit in. Now that would be a bummer.

ps. The movie was great. Steve Carell is the man. He's funny even when he's not trying.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Karmic thoughts

On the way to work today, I saw a really ugly person. (I can hear the boos and hisses, but don't you dare tell me that you've never had those thoughts!)

As soon as "Damn that person's ugly" crossed my mind, thanks to social conditioning, I felt a little guilty. Just a little. That person really was ugly.

Then my mind decided to do a little more leg work and started thinking about karma, and how if we do bad things, bad things happen to us right? (I'm a believer btw!) So what happens if you're constantly thinking bad thoughts like that?

If I get this right, the logic goes:
If you do bad things, bad things happen to you in the future.
If you think bad things... people tend to think badly of you in the future?

My argument against that is, it's not as if I focussed my mind on thinking nasty things; It just happens! I think before I... 'think'.

So... will karma work in this situation? Or does it only apply to the physical realm?..

What the f*ck am I smoking?

I just woke up 10 minutes ago from a bizarre dream I had. For some reason, it's sticking very well, so I shall transcribe what happened.

The time was late evening.. and for some reason, I was wandering around the grounds of a police/ military base camp (i somehow knew this). I walked along muddy grounds for quite abit, recalling crossing a hill, a field, and living quarters.

Finally, I stumbled on a florist, run by an old chinese guy. I walk into his shop, which was bustling considering that time of the day, and I proceeded to look at his stuff. Suddenly, Shirren, an old friend whom I've not seen in awhile taps me on the shoulder and asks what am I doing here, and if I was alright. Evidently, she claims that I met up with a mutual friend a week ago, and that I was severely depressed.

As she said it, I felt like it was true, and that was the purpose for me being in that florist store. I knew this because I believed that the florist had flowers that had remedial qualities. So I acknowledged Shirren's claim, but assured her that I was now fine.

Then I turned to look at more of his wares. On the shelf were these two pots of flowers that I don't even think exist for real. What strikes me now is how vividly coloured they were. One was a vine like plant, with bright golden leaves. I somehow knew that they instilled good emotions such as happiness, etc. Next to it were flowers I can't really remember how it looked, but I vividly remember the rich purple colour. They, I knew, were for getting rid of depression.

Then I wander off outside to come across a separate segment of the store, which was in an elevated platform. In there, strangely were two of my friends, Hwe and Ashraf (who dont' know each other in real life). They were discussing the potential of Hwe's idea for a horror story for young readers. Hwe proceeds to tell me that the plot is loosely based on how these mysterious books just magically show up in the houses of this group of friends (and how something bad happens after). I nodded my consent of how good the idea was, thought "Damn, why didn't I think of that" and went back down to the main store.

There, I notice that an ex-colleague Corrinne was there getting approval for a diaper commercial (but she didn't handle that part of the business in real life). After this, the dream sputters off and dies.

If you're convinced I'm on crack, that makes two of us. However, I do have a few points to make:

1) Nothing EVER seems strange to you (well, me at least) in a dream. No matter how whacked out it is, it's just another day in the life of.

2) The story in the dream seems to skip. While seemingly random, it does follow a certain linear path. Either I don't remember the complete path, or like a bad DVD, the story jumps from one vivid scene to another along that path.

3) Dreams ARE in colour. Just in selective areas. I had this discussion with a friend on this because I never really could 100% for sure say if I dreamed in colour. Taking this and past dreams, colours mostly seem grey'ish or so hazy I can't really tell. However, I'm certain of the two colours those flowers were.

p.s. I recall now that I made it a point to get that old chinese dude to pack the yellow flowers for me. ;)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Feng Shui Schmengshui Part 2

So I really did it. Moved my big mess of a bed, and 3 cabinets around so a supposedly better position; as in, NOT situated in the north west corner of the room. This was awhile ago.

Today my uncle, a firm believer in Feng Shui, pops by for CNY and comes up to take a look. Turns out I got it all wrong!!!!!

His solution; Rearrange everything so that the bed is in the middle of the room (hey, I live in a typical double story terrace house. gimme a break).

This had better work...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Story #8 - Chemical imbalance

This story started out with a different idea, but with 100 words, it was kinda hard to convey the original thought. So this one's slightly off-brief, but thought I'd put it down anyway. =)


She met him on a day that seemed like the worst. Down on her luck with her new work project, he provided some much needed perspective of things. Over dinner, he made her forget the ugliness of life and with a smile; he made things all worthwhile. Ah love.

He was told she was struggling with her project. He felt as clueless, but the way she listened so attentively, she made him feel like a real hero. Over drinks, the way she laughed at all his jokes, he felt like he won the Oscar for best comedic performance. Ah love.
