On the road earlier, I saw a car with a bumper sticker that read:
"Lose weight. Ask me how. 016 xxxxxx"
This was the second car on the road that I've had the 'fortune' to see. Those signs, alongside the ones that go "Lasik Surgery. Call 012 xxxxxx" spring forth 3 powerful words in my mind.
I'm going to play advertising snob now; the guys doing these kinda ads have as much marketing sense as a Malaysian political party placing up banners of their leaders hugging the elderly. I'm sorely tempted to call those numbers just to see what they have to say. After letting them ramble, I'll probably ask how many customers do they really get from calls like mine.
Then, I'd like to know if those callers are:
a) clinically insane
b) suicidal
c) have the mental capacity of a toddler
d) are so lonely in life that they're just dying to chat to anyone
e) any combination of the above